Enzymes deep cleaning

OneLife’s technology is based on biomimicry : Microbes naturally develop enzymes to free themselves from biofilm matrix. 

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Cleanliness quality check



Specific & corrective cleaning



Systematic & routine cleaning

Natural biotechnology

Enzymes, at the heart of our formulae.
Natural, organic and high-performing active ingredients from the living world.

highly biodegradable
no antibacterial

PH neutral or mild alkaline detergents

better protection
for materials


vs traditional chemistry

Unlike traditional chemistry that lifts and holds soil particles in suspension, good enzyme detergents also dissolve soil in an irreversible reaction.

Enzymes are not degraded by their activity and are more effective for complex medical devices where mechanical action, like brushing, is difficult or some parts are inaccessible.

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benefits of OneLife's
multi-enzymatic compounds

  • Not all enzymatic detergents display high enzymatic activity.  OneLife possesses the know-how to achieve high enzymatic activity across a broad spectra of biofilm matrix and organic matter.

  • Continuously remodelled, specific matrix compositions require differentiated enzyme compounds to break them down (e.g. Proteases for proteins, Amylases for starches, Lipases for fatty matter). OneLife detergents contain additional enzyme compounds and our formulae are patented.

  • Multiple enzymes are difficult to stabilize : types and concentrations are crucial to achieving efficacy across wide spectra of soil and biofilm matrices.

  • When combined with a biocide, enzymatic activity is compromised. Proteins (enzymes are proteins) are partially inactivated by positively-charged biocides (quaternary ammonium) due to charge interaction.

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